Sunday, June 2, 2019

Winnipeg Parks Rose

This rose bush was been planted at the beginning of June 2019 in a Northwest facing bed at the Lakehouse in Norglenwood on Sylvan Lake, but due to the openess of the yard should 
receive ample sun. 

The Winnipeg Parks Rose bush belongs to the Parkland Artist Series (1990) and was introduced by the Morden Research Station in Manitoba. It is of average size, growing to a height of 24" to 36"  and a width of about 24" to 36".
Dark green disease resistant foliage turns red tinged in the fall.  Brilliant medium red fragrant flower clusters throughout the summer until the first frost. 
One of the most popular shrub roses.
Zone 2 cold tolerance.

Water regularly as needed. Feed in spring with an all purpose fertilizer prior to new spring growth.  Can prune back heavily in spring to promote vigorous new growth and better flower production.  If a severe winter causes die back prune back and can restart as low as root system.

Full sun.